Leonardo’s Light

Photo: Juliette Llewellyn 05.19

It’s the last chance this weekend to see the Leonardo da Vinci: a Life in Drawing exhibition in National Museum Cardiff (ends May 6th)*. It is 1 of 11 nationwide exhibitions celebrating 500 years since the artists death. I finally managed to make a brief visit recently to see these magnificent drawings.

Leonardo studied in-depth light and optics as tools of his artists trade and, alongside his technical preciseness, provide the form through which he captures the essence of each of his studies.

Photo: Juliette Llewellyn 05.19

These drawings will join the full collection to form an exhibition in The Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace over the summer and a slightly reduced exhibition at The Queen’s Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh in November. So if you want to see more of the collection you need to head to the capitals of England and Scotland later this year!

*NB. There are lifts up to the exhibition, a wooden bench (with a back) outside the exhibition room, folding stools which can be loaned from the museum desk and blue badge parking outside the front of the museum.

*NB. Your Cardiff ticket also allows you entry to the Bristol Exhibition (also ending Monday 6th May 2019).

London Exhibition (24 May 2019 – 13 Oct 2019)

Edinburgh Exhibition (22 Nov 2019 – 31 Dec 2019)

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